Background To The Study
Through teaching, research, and community service, educational institutions all over the globe strive to accomplish their primary goals of disseminating information and developing intellectually capable individuals. Academics who are qualified and experienced in their fields are recruited in order to successfully deliver on these goals. However, academic staffs can only attain the peak performance if they are appropriately motivated. Assuming the problem of competence is a given, this is the only condition under which peak performance may be reached. Therefore, successful job performance by employees in schools can only lead to the fulfillment of the wide aims for which schools are founded. This is the only path that can lead to the achievement of these broad objectives. According to Fabunmi (2005), the success of an educational system is dependent (but not entirely) on a variety of environmental factors. These factors include the location of the school, the condition of the classrooms, the architectural design of the school, the availability of a standard library for studies and research, and so on. However, these factors do not account for the entirety of the success of an educational system. He also noted that the state of the house of any educator plays an important function in playing to the full potential of the employee in order to get the best possible performance.
The physical and mental state of the employee's house, or the house in which the employee resides, are both relevant factors to consider when evaluating an employee's home life. This is related to the connection between an employee and their family, friends, and community as well as the impact that they have on the employee. According to Albert (2008), "home" is a multifaceted concept that may refer to anything a person does outside of their regular place of employment. He held the belief that one's place of worship, as well as the environment in which one lived, the people one lived with, the experience one had with neighbors, the welfare of in-laws and friends, and even where one worshipped at home, all played a role in how one behaved in the workplace. This is because certain religious beliefs have a significant impact on how certain workplace practices are carried out.
Voydancoff (2008), on the other hand, proposed that attempting to satisfy the sometimes contradictory demands of job and family may result in friction between the two spheres of life. For instance, working long hours could make it impossible to fulfill one's obligations to their family in an appropriate manner. Position of the employee within the family, marital status, and the employee's expectations towards marriage For instance, if an employee is having difficulty bearing children, this, together with the other variables, may have a psychological impact on the employee and is an example of a factor that often causes conflict between the employee's home life and their professional life. According to Jokotoye (2001), some parents discourage their daughters' goals of earning a doctoral degree, even though doing so would improve their daughters' performance at work. These parents believe that men will be threatened by their daughters' accomplishments and that their daughters will not be able to find a husband as a result. The sickness of a family member may also prohibit someone from going to work or make it difficult for them to concentrate when they are there. For example, the illness of a parent's kid may cause the parent to miss work.
Performance on the job refers to an employee's capacity to successfully carry out the responsibilities for which he or she is compensated. According to Lombardi (2012), the price of success is hard effort, devotion and commitment to the project at hand, as well as the resolve that regardless of the outcome, we have given the task at hand the best of what we have to offer. Performance in an organization may be defined as an employee's willingness and capacity to stay devoted to the job that has been agreed upon and provided, all while working tirelessly to complete those responsibilities without incurring any additional costs for the employer. Work performance may be seen as the capacity to offer the service in a successful and efficient manner. Job commitment, on the other hand, is the connection that binds the person to the job. According to Meyer and Allen (1997), there are two categories that may be used to describe an employee's performance. The first category is referred to be Job Effective Performance, and the second category is referred to as Normative Way of Performance.
Adams (2004) argued that employees who are not performing in their jobs sometimes feel that they are treating their employers unfairly, while others would eventually engage in withdrawal behavior, which is a set of actions employees perform to avoid the work situation, behavior that may later culminate in quitting the job or being fired. Employees who are not performing in their jobs sometimes feel that they are treating their employers unfairly, according to Adams (2004). Individual psychological and physical contributions to the work are what make up an employee's job performance. It is vital, as a result, to enhance the contributions that employees make in the workplace in order to achieve optimal use of the available resources.
Rogers (2000) advocated that one should never continue in a job in which one feels that one is not performing because if one is not happy with one's performance and in what one is doing, one will not have an inner peace. One should never continue in a job in which one feels that one is not performing. According to Meyer (2012), successful performance is never the result of chance. It is always the outcome of making a commitment to excellence, engaging in informed planning, and working diligently toward a specific goal. Lombardi (1997) expressed the opinion that the quality of a person's life is directly proportional to their exceptional performance, irrespective of the kind of work that they pursue. This was Lombardi's own viewpoint. However, due to the policy of location of university sites in Nigeria, accommodation problems have frequently been reported by various researchers (Adigun, 2011; Fashina, 2009; and Odedina, 2007) as one of the problems facing Nigerian lecturers. This is one of the issues that has been cited as one of the challenges that Nigerian lecturers face. Some of those who were interviewed by Fashina bemoaned the fact that their family members reside hundreds of miles away from them, and as a result, they are forced to drive long distances on a regular basis in order to fulfill their different obligations to their families. Therefore, Desmond (2009) and Orji (2007) have shown that there is a connection between the atmosphere of the home and performance on the work. It is hypothesized that the sort of home environment an employee comes from will influence both his attitude and the amount of effort he puts into his work, which will, in turn, have an effect on how well they do their job. The purpose of this research is to determine the degree to which something like this may be applied to work performance in an institutionalized learning environment. In light of the information presented above, the purpose of this research was to investigate the impact that one's family life has on their performance at work among teachers working in public secondary schools in the Mbaitoli Local Government Area of Imo State.
Statement of the Problem
Over the last two decades, Nigeria has seen a phenomenal expansion in the number of people working in academic positions. The education system in Nigeria, unlike in the past, now generates a significant number of experienced academic staff members, many of whom now pursue their careers outside of Nigeria as a direct consequence of the country's rising profile on the international stage. A few members of the teaching faculty in Nigerian schools have also brought honor to the nation and garnered accolades for their work. On the other hand, the views of parents, students, and the government on the contributions of educators have not been very favorable. Parents and students frequently argue that academic staff members are unpatriotic and self-centered because they believe that rather than the teachers concentrating on their primary assignment, they shuttle from one private school to another for part time jobs, causing their primary assignment to suffer. This line of reasoning leads parents and students to the conclusion that academic staff members are unpatriotic and self-centered.
However, issues at home, such as stress, family income, marital stability, and health condition, are often blamed for people's attitudes regarding their work performance. These factors include but are not limited to those listed. Because of this, the researcher believes that it is vital to explore whether or not an individual's family life may have an effect on their performance at work at public secondary schools located in the Mbaitoli Local Government Area of the state of Imo.
Purpose Of The Study
The general purpose of this study is to investigate the influence of home background on the job performance of teachers in public secondary schools in Mbaitoli Local Government Area of Imo State. To achieve this, the study specifically aims at:
1. Finding out the influence of marital stability on job performance of teachers in public secondary schools.
2. Investigating the influence of family income on job performance of teachers in public secondary schools.
3. Investigating if health status of family members’ influences the job performance of teachers in public secondary schools.
4. Investigating if home size affects the job performance of teachers in public secondary schools.
Research Questions
The study provides answers to the following questions;
1. Does marital stability influence job performance of teachers in public secondary school?
2. Does family income level influence job performance of teachers in public secondary school?
3. Does health status influence job performance of teachers in public secondary school?
4. Does home size influence job performance of teachers in public secondary school?
Significance of Study
The finding of this study is expected to serve as positive contribution to employers of academic staff of various schools in discovering the role of home on academic staff job performance and are expected to use this study as a basis for staffing process in the federal, state and private owned schools and it will also help them in making staffing policies that will help them adequately provide for the welfare of prospective lecturers so as to perform their job effectively.
This study will serve as a guide to others researchers who may be interested in finding answers to some issues on academic staff job performance. It will also help the policy makers in making adequate provisions for the academic staff so as to improve their performance. The study will also enlighten the academic staff of schools on how to make adequate provision for their family members so as not to make themselves affected by pressure from home as it can affect their job performance.
Scope and Delimitation of the Study
This study is strictly concerned with the influence of home background as correlates of job performance in public secondary school in Mbaitoli LGA Of Imo State. The study covers family income, health status, home size and how marital stability or the absence of it affects teacher performance. The research is restricted to selected number of public secondary schools in Mbaitoli Local Government Area of Imo State.
Limitation Of The Study
Like in every human endeavour, the researcher encountered slight constraints while carrying out the study. Insufficient funds tend to impede the efficiency of the researcher in sourcing for the relevant materials, literature, or information and in the process of data collection, which is why the researcher resorted to a limited choice of sample size. More so, the researcher simultaneously engaged in this study with other academic work. As a result, the amount of time spent on research will be reduced.
Moreover, the case study method utilized in the study posed some challenges to the investigator including the possibility of biases and poor judgment of issues. However, the investigator relied on respect for the general principles of procedures, justice, fairness, objectivity in observation and recording, and weighing of evidence to overcome the challenges.
Definition of Terms
The following terms have been defined operationally as follows:
Marital stability: This has to do with the conjugal status of a staff as intact or non-intact i.e. separated, divorce, happily married.
Family income: This can be seen in terms of the average earning of the family. This also means per capital income of the family. That is, an academic staff whose wife and children are not working will definitely have low par capital income.
Health status: Overall wellbeing of the organism. This is also a condition of physical, mental and social well-being or the absence of diseases or any other abnormal condition.
Job Performance: This is the ability to do the job that one is expected to do well
Home: This has to do with the finance, marital stability, family and friends that have impact on employee outside the work environment.
Health status: This has to do with the medical wellbeing of the whole family. The amount of money and time spent in hospital or clinic will affect one’s disposable income.
Home size: This is the number of people living with an employee. They can be dependents or independent. More dependent number of people in a family will lower t5he per capital income of the family.
Effective Performance: This is ability to accomplish a set task.